5,778 research outputs found

    Neural Networks Architecture Evaluation in a Quantum Computer

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    In this work, we propose a quantum algorithm to evaluate neural networks architectures named Quantum Neural Network Architecture Evaluation (QNNAE). The proposed algorithm is based on a quantum associative memory and the learning algorithm for artificial neural networks. Unlike conventional algorithms for evaluating neural network architectures, QNNAE does not depend on initialization of weights. The proposed algorithm has a binary output and results in 0 with probability proportional to the performance of the network. And its computational cost is equal to the computational cost to train a neural network

    The number of rational points of a class of superelliptic curves

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    In this paper, we study the number of Fqn\mathbb F_{q^n}-rational points on the affine curve Xd,a,b\mathcal{X}_{d,a,b} given by the equation yd=axTr(x)+b, y^d=ax\text{Tr}(x)+b, where Tr\text{Tr} denote the trace function from Fqn\mathbb F_{q^n} to Fq\mathbb F_{q} and dd is a positive integer. In particular, we present bounds for the number of Fq\mathbb F_{q}-rational points on Xd,a,b\mathcal{X}_{d,a,b} and, for the cases where dd satisfies a natural condition, explicit formulas for the number of rational points are obtained. Particularly, a complete characterization is given for the case d=2d=2. As a consequence of our results, we compute the number of elements α\alpha in Fqn\mathbb F_{q^n} such that α\alpha and Tr(α)\text{Tr}(\alpha) are quadratic residues in Fqn\mathbb F_{q^n}

    'Galculator': functional prototype of a Galois-connection based proof assistant

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    Galculator is the name of the prototype of a proof assistant of a special brand: it is solely based on the algebra of Galois connections. When combined with the pointfree transform and tactics such as the indirect equality principle, Galois connections offer a very powerful, generic device to tackle the complexity of proofs in program verification. The paper describes the architecture of the current Galculator prototype, which is implemented in Haskell in order to steer types as much as possible. The prospect of integrating the Galculator with other proof assistants such as e.g. Coq is also discussed.(undefined

    Modeling of chemical wear in ferrous alloys/silicon nitride contacts during high speed cutting

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    The wear resistance of SisN4 in machining of iron alloys can be surprisingly low due to chemical affinity for dissolution in the metal. This limits the use of SisN4 inserts in high speed machining of steels, while Si3N4 retains the best performance of all cutting materials in turning of grey cast iron, a different ferrous alloy. The chemical wear of several ceramics has been investigated on the basis of dissolution in pure iron by Kramer and Suh. Nevertheless, the influence of alloy elements was not studied. In the present work, solid solution thermodynamics is applied to predict chemical wear of S&N4 by setting the influence of interaction coefficients of the alloy elements in the Henrian activity of Si and N in austenite. The model predicts the relative order of magnitude of the crater wear of SisN4 inserts in machining of tool steels, carbon steels and grey cast iron

    Galois: a language for proofs using galois connections and fork algebras

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    Galois is a domain specific language supported by the Galculator interactive proof-assistant prototype. Galculator uses an equational approach based on Galois connections with indirect equality as an additional inference rule. Galois allows for the specification of different theories in a point-free style by using fork algebras, an extension of relation algebras with expressive power of first-order logic. The language offers sub-languages to derive proof rules from Galois connections, to express proof tactics, and to organize axioms and theorems into modular definitions. In this paper, we describe how the algebraic theory underlying the proof-method drives the design of the Galois language. We provide the syntax and semantics of important fragments of Galois and show how they are hierarchically combined into a complete language.Theauthorsthanktheanonymousrefereesforinsightfulcomments which improved the quality of the original submission. This research was supported by FCT (the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), in the context of the MATHIS Project under contract PTDC/EIA/73252/2006. The first author was supported by FCT under grant number SFRH/BD/19195/2004

    CAMILA: formal software engineering supported by functional programming

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    This paper describes two experiences in teaching a formal approach to software engineering at undergraduate level supported by Camila a functional programming based tool Carried on in diferent institutions each of them addresses a particular topic in the area requirement analysis and generic systems design in the first case specification and implementation development in the second Camila the common framework to both experiences animates a set based language extended with a mild use of category theory which can be reasoned upon for program calculation and classification purpose. The project afiliates itself to but is not restricted to the research in exploring Functional Programming as a rapid prototyping environment for formal software model. Its kernel is fully connectable to external applications and equipped with a component repository and distribution facilities. The paper explains how Camila is being used in the educational practice as a tool to think with providing a kind of cross fertilization between students under standing of diferent parts of the curriculum. Furthermore it helps in developinga number of engineering skills namely the ability to analyze and classify information problems and models and to resort to the combined use of diferent programming frameworks in approaching them

    Social Eavesdropping in Zebrafish: Tuning of Attention to Social Interactions

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    Group living animals may eavesdrop on signalling interactions between conspecifics in order to collect adaptively relevant information obtained from others, without incurring in the costs of first-hand information acquisition. This ability (aka social eavesdropping) is expected to impact Darwinian fitness, and hence predicts the evolution of cognitive processes that enable social animals to use public information available in the environment. These adaptive specializations in cognition may have evolved both at the level of learning and memory mechanisms, and at the level of input mechanisms, such as attention, which select the information that is available for learning. Here we used zebrafish to test if attention in a social species is tuned to the exchange of information between conspecifics. Our results show that zebrafish are more attentive towards interacting (i.e. fighting) than towards non-interacting pairs of conspecifics, with the exposure to fighting not increasing activity or stress levels. Moreover, using video playbacks to manipulate form features of the fighting fish, we show that during the assessment phase of the fight, bystanders' attention is more driven by form features of the interacting opponents; whereas during the post-resolution phase, it is driven by biological movement features of the dominant fish chasing the subordinate fish.FCT fellowship: (SFRH/BD/33280/2007), Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme

    Bat-species richness in the Pantanal floodplain and its surrounding uplands

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    Estudamos a fauna de morcegos na planície do Pantanal e nos planaltos de entorno no Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, com base na coleção científica da Universidade Anhanguera – Uniderp e no banco de dados do Projeto Morcegos do Pantanal, UFMS, incluindo 9.037 capturas de 56 espécies, entre 1994 e 2007. Amostragens no Pantanal foram feitas nas sub-regiões da Nhecolândia, Aquidauana, Miranda e Paraguai; no planalto as amostragens foram realizadas nas formações de Maracaju, Bodoquena e Urucum. Espécies de morcegos foram registradas ao longo de 376 noites em 35 sítios, predominantemente com o uso de redes de neblina próximas a árvores frutíferas, abrigos e florestas. Na planície, foram registradas 46 espécies (n = 6.292 indivíduos) e no planalto 44 espécies (n = 2.745 indivíduos). Seis famílias foram encontradas: Phyllostomidae (30 espécies), Molossidae (12 espécies), Verpertilionidae (nove espécies), Noctilionidae (duas espécies), Emballorunidae (duas espécies) e Mormoopidae (uma espécie). A fauna de morcegos foi predominantemente composta de espécies insetívoras (32) e frugívoras (15). O frugívoro Artibeus planirostris (n = 3.101) foi a espécie mais comum na planície e no planalto. Outras espécies comuns foram Myotis nigricans (n = 762), Molossus molossus (n = 692), Noctilio albiventris (n = 681), Platyrrhinus lineatus (n = 633), Sturnira lilium (n = 461), Carollia perspicillata (n = 451), Glossophaga soricina (n = 436), Artibeus lituratus (n = 320) e Desmodus rotundus (n = 281). Na planície, ocorreram três espécies de morcegos insetívoros dentre as espécies mais comuns, contrastando com o planalto, onde houve dominância de frugívoros. A diversidade para os 35 sítios reunidos (H’ = 2,5) é comparável à encontrada em florestas tropicais. A fauna de morcegos apresentada aqui representa 34% das espécies brasileiras, e 62% das espécies já reportadas para a Bacia do Alto Paraguai. Adicionalmente, cinco espécies são reportadas pela primeira vez no Mato Grosso do Sul. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWe studied the bat fauna of the Pantanal floodplain and its surrounding plateaus in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, based on the scientific collection at Universidade Anhanguera – Uniderp and on the Projeto Morcegos do Pantanal data bank at UFMS, comprising 9,037 captures of 56 species recorded from 1994 to 2007. The Pantanal surveys were carried out in the Nhecolândia, Aquidauana, Miranda, and Paraguai sub-regions; the uplands surveys took place in the Maracaju, Bodoquena, and Urucum formations. Bat specimens were mist-netted over 376 nights in 35 sites, predominantly near fruiting trees, bat shelters, and forest patches. In the floodplain 46 species were recorded (n = 6,292 individuals), and 44 species were found in the uplands (n = 2,745 individuals). Six families were recorded: Phyllostomidae (30 species), Molossidae (12 species), Verpertilionidae (nine species) Noctilionidae (two species), Emballorunidae (two species) and Mormoopidae (one species). The bat fauna was predominantly composed of insectivore (32) and frugivore (15) species. The frugivorous Artibeus planirostris (n = 3,101 individuals) was the commonest species in floodplain and uplands. Other common species were Myotis nigricans (n = 762), Molossus molossus (n = 692), Noctilio albiventris (n = 681), Platyrrhinus lineatus (n = 633), Sturnira lilium (n = 461), Carollia perspicillata (n = 451), Glossophaga soricina (n = 436), Artibeus lituratus (n = 320), and Desmodus rotundus (n = 281). In the floodplain there were three insectivores among the most common species, contrasting with the uplands dominated by the frugivores. The diversity for the 35 sites assembled (H’ = 2.5) is comparable to that recorded for tropical forests. The bat fauna presented here represents 34% of the Brazilian bat species, and 62% of species reported for the Upper Paraguay River Basin. Additionally, five species are reported for the first time in Mato Grosso do Sul

    Plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população de Caldas Novas, GO e o conhecimento popular sobre a faveira (Dimorphandra mollis Benth Mimosoideae).

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    O trabalho teve por objetivo levantar o conhecimento de plantas medicinais pela população urbana de Caldas Novas-GO, realizado entre abril e maio de 2008. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulários semiestruturados (n:251), abrangendo diferentes faixas etárias, sendo levantadas informações quanto ao conhecimento e consumo de plantas medicinais, indicações e modo de uso. Além dessas informações, avaliou-se o conhecimento da população sobre a espécie nativa do cerrado Dimorphandra mollis (faveira), indicações para seu uso e partes utilizadas para fins medicinais. A maioria possui conhecimentos e faz uso de plantas medicinais, resultando em 586 citações com 92 nomes populares. Através da análise da nomenclatura popular em bibliografia especializada, foi possível identificar 73 gêneros (ou espécies, quando possível), inclusas em 43 famílias (as principais são Asteraceae e Lamiaceae). Os jovens com escolaridade entre ensino médio e ensino superior demonstraram maior conhecimento de espécies medicinais utilizadas. As plantas mais citadas foram o boldo, erva-cidreira, hortelã. Os chás constituem o principal modo de preparo. A faveira mostrou ser uma planta pouco conhecida pela população. Quando empregada para fins medicinais, as partes mais comuns são a casca, folhas e raiz, sendo relatado um alto resultado satisfatório com seu uso